Thursday, December 22, 2005

You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!!!

I'm still here and still having computer problems. Maybe it's me, instead of me having user problems it could be that I'm a problemed user. Ha!

I digress now back to the post. It hasn't exactly been a banner year for me and that's putting it lightly. But am I discouraged? No. I look forward to 2006 with a wide-eyed enthusiasm that can be likened to that of the kid in A Christmas Story when he gets his Red Rider BB Gun. Check back with me in a couple of months and I'll let you know if I'm still enthused. But, for now I am.

This time of year puts me in a reflective mood. A time during which I look back a the last year and do a little "mind mining". As corny as it may sound, I search my life looking for that diamond of truth, or nugget of wisdom. It has been slim pickins' this year. Except for this little ruby of reality:

Family is important, loved ones hold more treasure than a sunken pirate ship, and our words can build up or break down.

Yeah, yeah, there's no revelation there and it's been said before. But, this is my Chistmas wish for you; that you're able to spend more time with your families, love up on your loved ones, and let your words be an encouragement to others.

The Baby King

A woman said to her baby son,
"You will be great among many."
The baby cooed and then smiled at his mother's words.
The husband asked of his wife,
"How are we to raise the manifestation of a miracle?"
The woman replied,
"God has graced us and he will provide."
And the baby slept peacefully keeping the future of man in his tiny being.
As he grew older, God did provide.
Only the provision was made for us.
Prophecy completed in the form of:
a king,
a savior,
a redeemer,
and a friend,
beginning with our beginning and present at our end.

Merry Christmas....and don't shoot your eye out. :)


The Zombieslayer said...

Love the Red Rider. Bought Junior one of those two Christmas's ago. He's really good. We set up those army dudes and shoot them. We're now at the point where we have "good guys" that we put in front of them and you lose points if you shoot them.

Bummer about your computer problems.

Moni said...

Me too, I love "A Christmas Story," and the part about the Red Rider bb gun. It's great that you are teaching your son how to shoot. People always harp on gun control and there's not enough harping on gun safety and the responsiblities of gun ownership.
**Good guys and bad guys point system eh?** I think the police academy trains the same way. ;)

I have a 22 automatic and I really need to take a gun safety class. I don't go to a firing range or anything I bought it just for safety reasons...but still.

Geesh!! I'm rambling. Anyway I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year.

Mark Pettus said...

Jean Shepherd wrote that story, and a friend of mine, Phil Grecian, wrote the stage adaptation.

I always felt like the story was about me... "my father worked in profanity the way most artists work in clay or oils. It was his natural medium."

Be careful out there, kid. When Black Bart gets here, we're gonna need an extra gun.

Moni said...

Mark--Your friend wrote the stage adaptation?! That is awesome!

I love that movie it's like a slice of 1940's Americana.

"I always felt that story was about me..." Oh, as well as the colorful language, your dad had a lamp fashioned in the form of a single fishnet stockinged "gam" too? ;)

Mark Pettus said...

Would you believe that there is a company which specializes in the leg lamp?

Now, you can have one of your own.