Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Love and a Covered Bridge

Fact is stranger than fiction, or is fact simply a cosmic future remake of fiction? It boggles the mind. Can it be said is that Hollywood holds a dimly lit candle to fiction? Oh hell, you decide. I just so happen to have one of those deciding stories in my blogging bag. Here goes:

The recently renovated Jack's Creek Covered Bridge in Woolwine, Virginia relinquished a lover's secret. While renovating the support beams of the bridge, workers found two love notes written two years apart. One note was from a woman named Nancy and the other was from a man named Robert. Nancy's was dated two years prior to Robert's and they read something to this effect(not verbatim):

Dear Robert,

"I'm thankful for the love we shared."
"I will love you forever."
And so on and so forth.


Dear Nancy,
"On this day I let you go."
"I will look for you in the beauty I see in this world."


Looks like someone saw Bridges Over Madison County one too many times. Now, let's all breathe a collective, "Ahhhh." You know you want to.


The technologically challenged Moni is back, but I swear I did not cause this interruption in service, this time...this time.

Later my frisky little ponies,


Scott said...

I'm not sure I get it. What is going on with the letters?

Check out my good news Moni. You will be pumped.

Moni said...

Nothing really it's just real life imitating art, ie Bridges Over Madison County, The Lake House... or vice-versa. I thought it was neat. It's the little things in life that amaze me. ;p

I'm ready to get pumped so I'll head on over to your blog. ewwwe that didn't sound right lol