Thursday, December 31, 2009

Resolving Not to Resolve

This year I've decided not to make a bunch of resolutions I can't keep; I think I'd rather just try to be a little bit better version of myself. Is that a resolution...maybe? lol My thinking is that if I strive to better myself minutely over the next year; that at year's end, I'll succeed.

And with that said let me wish each of my cyberfriends a better year and a little bit better version of themselves for which to strive. I love the words of this song.(sound a little like a prayer I used to say as a kid) This is my prayer for you.

Christ of Hope

As I travel far from kinship's
As I wonder far from home
May he grace you with his favor.
And breathe the fragrance of his love
May his angels watch and keep you
As you slumber through the night
The gentle hand of God will touch you
As he wakes you with the morning light

May he bring you hope
Hope you've never, never known
May the Christ of Hope
Embrace you evermore

Michelle Tumes

1 comment:

joven said...

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you have a nice blog 0_0

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best regards;