Saturday, January 08, 2011

Another Year

Well hell,  I haven't been on here in some time now.  I lost my way, I mean I forgot how and where to sign in.  Can you believe that?  And can you believe that another year has come and gone?  Where did it go?  I suppose it passed through the portals of the space-time continuum.  According to the Mayans our global societal goose will be cooked in another year.  I don't put much stock in that anyway.  They were a brilliant race, but then again, they practiced human sacrifice and on occasion cannibalism.  This is what I think...I think I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future. 

Wow, seems that the lack of my presence on the blog hasn't effected my ability to ramble mindlessly.  lol  Anyway, basically checking in with the nameless, faceless, person/persons who care to check in with me.  lol  I hope you had a very Merry Christmas.  Yes; I still say and will continue to say "Merry Christmas".   Oh yeah,  Happy New Year too.

I'll go for now,  I'll check in again soon.  Maybe I'll have something important or at least entertaining to say.  Till then, peace to you.

Cute video someone sent me.

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