Thursday, December 07, 2006

Yep, so I learned

As I enter into another year of my life that will eventually pass; Lord willing and the creek don't rise, another lesson is learned. And I as go into another birthday; party hats and candles to be blown out before they inevitably set the fire alarm off; I'm a bit wiser.

How you say? Well because now I know that even though a person may have the best of intetnions and all the well wishes in the world it doesn't necessarily equate to your warm fuzzys being received by the intended recipient Forgiveness seems to be something that; while meant well, when asked for may or may not be given. We are all human and we all at one time or another screw up and we all at least once find ourselves in need of another's forgiveness. So what is one to do when they feel the need to push their pride aside and humble themselves to ask for heart felt forgiveness and the forgiver is not accepting? Say it , mean it and then MOVE THE HELL ON! That's what I'm gonna do, I'm done beating my self up...hey this is quite therapeutic.

Remember life is short, so I'll say it now. I love you guys. ;p


Scott said...

It hurts awful when people don't accept an apology, but you are so right that you have to move on. But it is so hard to do.

I hope you are ok.

Moni said...

Thanks Scott, you're sweet. It made me angry but most of all it hurt my feelings. Sort of like doing all you can to help someone and then they turn around after you've helped them and give you a swift punch in the gut.

Ah well, C'est La Vive. ;)