Tuesday, March 13, 2007

300 Cans of Whoop Ass

Sorry for the less than savory language my dear readers, but that's what came to mind when I read the following article. So there ya go, an aptly titled post. See preceeding post about the article. For some reason it wouldn't let me hyperlink, but it would let me blog it and I'm too lazy to type all this stuff again... ;)

It seems that our Iranian(Persian) friends are upset at the new movie . They claim that somehow it's a dig at their violent past. They were also upset because they were portrayed in a negative light in the movie Alexander.

"Hollywood declares war on Iranians," said the headline in the reformist daily Ayandeh-No of the film which tells the story of the 300 Spartan soldiers fighting off ancient Persians in the Battle of Thermopylae.

American cultural officials thought they could get mental satisfaction by plundering Iran's historic past and insulting this civilization," Javad Shamaghdari told semi-official Fars news agency

Look at this way, The Persians weren't only ones in that time frame to be bloodthirsty savages. The Spartans were too, they were just smarter. That's why 300 cans of whoop ass were open, allowing the Spartans to hold the pass at Thermopolea for three days before the Persians took it.

It's a movie people; a movie probably loosely based on history..or not, but still a movie!

I think I'll go see this movie, I like the quasi comic book animation feel it has. Plus, 300 bare chested men with abs a glistening ain't bad either.



The Zombieslayer said...

It was a wonderful movie. Everyone eventually gets made to look bad by Hollywood. There is no conspiracy against anyone, although I do think Hollywood can get too P.C. at times.

I loved it, but Mrs. Z loved it even more. Very violent though, just warning you ahead of time. If that doesn't bother you, then go see it.

Moni said...

Hey Zombie! So glad to see you back. So you liked the movie eh? And Mrs. Z liked it even better, it's nice to hear, that it's not just testosterone to the inth degree, but chicks dig it too. :)

I found out something interesting while watching the History Channel the other day. You probably already knew this because you hold a degree in history, but after the bulk of the Greek army retreated 1000 Thesbians from the Greek state Thesbia stayed behind to join forces with the 300.

Doesn't make for quite the dramatic effect and I don't know if the movie eluded to that fact, but still it's pretty cool.

I'm anxious to read your review. ((hugs))

Moni said...

Scott--I hear ya man. I have found that if someone wants to pick a fight they can find a reason, no matter how ludacris it seems.

The Greeks were just as violent and you don't hear them complaining that they were portrayed in a negative light.

Anonymous said...

Moni - here's a link to my review. Just a warning, my language gets a little carried away and I'm not too kind to today's European men.


And yes, although she won't admit it to me, I could tell Mrs. Z liked looking at some of the guys.

But no, I didn't know that. I actually had to read up on the history to learn those details.

Anonymous said...

Son of a gun. That didn't work.

Okay, try this link.