Was it Dylan or Peter, Paul and Mary who sang the words, "the winds of change, they are a blowing?" I slightly remember hearing a protest song with those lyrics, of course I was just a toddler so who knows? I'm kind of like a servant idiot when it comes to song lyrics...well, I guess just an idiot or else I would remember who sang them, now wouldn't I?
"Stay on topic Moni!"
The winds of change are more than just a blowin' they are a pummeling! They are a beating me down. I think it's something like my 100th post. Yipppeee! Wooo Hooo! Strike up the
band! ...and all that jazz. Haven't had much time to blog due to the fact that I'm working 12 hour shifts. Blessing or curse, the fact remains the same, there are still the same amount of hours in a day as there were before. Who's to blame?...capitalism of course.
"Stay on topic Moni!"
The winds of change are more than just a blowin' they are a pummeling! They are a beating me down. I think it's something like my 100th post. Yipppeee! Wooo Hooo! Strike up the

Though I won't open this whole debate(can of worms) about Capitalism. I will say that I don't think it's a bad thing. I have a friend who happens to be a socialist. We get into some fiery debates on the subject. And while I do agree there should be some reform in the health care along the lines of making it a socialized system, I think capitalism in it's contained form is a good thing. Even though my neighbor from a third world country who owns half the town including the local store, just mucked with my phone line without my permission because he wanted to cut down a 100 year old tree that falls on my property because he's afraid it will fall on the house he just purchased next to mine; I say good on you man! And though we have spent at his convenience store comparably enough money to pay one year's tuition to that private school his children attend, he still can't find his way to spot us a penny if we happen to be a penny short. That's why my family goes to his store and I have yet to step foot inside it. Greed...he knows how to work Capitalism.
Moni chant's a rant again, some things never change. That's it gentle people. Have a good one.
Quote of the day:
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
Dr Seuss
As unfair as capitalism is, it's the best we got so far. One of these days I'll do a post on that subject. Socialism is a nightmare.
Socialism is supported by those who would rather not work for a living. There are plenty of those kinds around. San Francisco for instance, in the Haight district. Ask a few burnouts there how they feel about working for one hard day; they will say something about the rat race and steel coffins.
Zombie--you should do a post on socialism, but I know you have a lot of irons in the fire right now. It would very much like to read your views.
Scott--Agreed. Your last statement about the Haight district really hit the nail on the head. I don't think the Hippie mentality ever really gave up the ghost in that area. As I stated earlier, I do think our health care system should be socialized. If you loose your job, can't afford health care, and get sick; then you're up the proverbial creek without a paddle. I guess what I'm trying to say is that certain aspects of our government should be socialized...some are. OMG I think I'm turning into a Liberal! Ah ha! ;D
Moni - I did one on communism on the old blog awhile back. Yeah, I'll have to do one on socialism.
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