Monday, January 02, 2006

Clean Slate

Whew! I'm glad that year's is over and done. I guess for some of you it was a good year so spill it. Name one good thing that's happened to you in 2005. Then name something good you'd like to happened to you in 2006. Go on...I dare ya.


Scott said...

I worked at home all year long and got to see my boys for all that time. My wife realized that her family wasn't what she thought and as a result we are free to live our own lives. For 2006 I'd like to get something published, be it a short story, an article, or any sort of writing credit.

Thanks for all your encouragement!

The Zombieslayer said...

In November 2005, for the first time in three years, I got a full-time job.

In 2006, I'm going to take Mrs. Z and Junior on some cool vacations.

Moni said...

Scott--It's wonderful that you got to spend time with your boys. ;) Good for your wife, sometimes families have a way of playing on our sense of family obligation. I had to learn that we can love our families even at a distance. Ha!

You know there are a lot of unknown talented writers, musicians, and artists and often they are more talented than those who are famous. The unknown artists just lack exposure, so expose yourself. Ahhhh hahaha! No seriously...get you work out there and don't quit!

Zombie--Bless your heart, you are a good man and you deserve a full time job. Somehow I don't think you're any worse for the ware for not having a full time job. You seem like one hell of an investor/money manager.

I'm sure Mrs Z would love a vacation; may I suggest Paris? It's so romantic and I think Junior would like it too. Anyway, it doesn't really matter where you go as long as you go together. ;)

Moni said...

Ooops, I forgot about myself.

Let's see, nothing incredibly good happened in 2005. Although things did start falling together this year. I will be moving into my first house in a few days. Thank God!

I look forward to taking a musical heritage tour of Scotland. I hope to spend a little time with my friends that I haven't seen in 10 years. I don't know how I'll get the money for the trip, but I have faith. ;)

I may not blog for a while because of the move, but I'm sure the internet community will muddle through without me. ;P hehehe!

Tootles my cheeky wee monkeys,

Mark Pettus said...

I became an editor last year, so my dream to make a real living writing is a reality.

I hope to sell Transit Gloria to a publisher this year. A really good year would see me getting a big enough advance to write fiction full time. Please, oh please...

The Zombieslayer said...

Moni - That musical heritage in Scotland would be awesome! My wife and I are heavily into Celtic music, and I'm not an expert but aren't the Scots and Celts somehow related? I imagine the music is similar.

Moni said...

Mark--An editor, wow that's great! Transit Gloria; I'm writing the title down so when it's published I can purchase it. I can't wait to read it. ;)

Zombie--The celts settled all over the British Isles. I'm not an expert either, but the fusion of pipes and drums; distinctively Scottish, and instruments used by Irish Celts seems definite.

For a history of Celtic Music(I know you're into history) check: ;)

Also, check these guys out; they broke up and then reformed with mostly new band members. They are the most talented drummers I have ever none.

The Zombieslayer said...

Moni - thanks for the link. I'm checking it out. Yeah, like I thought, they did settle a large part of Europe, but then ended up in Britain and settled there.