In the movie, My Cousin Vinny, Joe Pesci's character asks the burning question, "What is a grit?" I am a grit. No, actually a grit is a byproduct of corn that can be tasty when boiled and lots of butter, cheese, sugar, or whatever is added. All grits aside or on the side, there is certain air in the south, a certain something that squeezes wisdom out of the simplest of things.
Other parts of the country may stereotypically view us as inbreed, ignorant, and living houses on wheels with trucks sporting gun racks and a bass boat bigger than the actual domicile gracing the front yard. No, sorry to disappoint, but we're not all like that. I'm sure, just as I'm sure that not all New Yorker's are loud obnoxious and rude. ;)
But alas, this post is not about stereotypes. It's about good old down-home wisdom served on a plate as steaming southern colloquialisms. This is my favorite thing about the south, the tried and true sayings that I have found no where else except here. I've lived lots of places, but southerners have a way of putting things that just make you say, "Hell, life is like that afterall." So, set back and enjoy and see if you can spot some wisdom, because you won't find these in any text books.
1). People would rather climb a tree and tell a lie, than stand on the ground and tell you the truth. **on ethics**
2). No one wants any apples 'til they see someone else in the orchard. (men pay attention, you're especially guilty) **on relationships**
3). Can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. **on doing the impossible**
4). Even a blind hog gets an acorn sometime. **on hopes that bad times won't last**
5). Along those lines. The sun don't shine up the same dog's ass all the time.
6). Whatcha you know good? (got gossip?)
7). Can't a cat look at a king? (took me a while to learn the meaning)
8). Pretty is as pretty does. (sounds like Forest Gump, but my mother said that long before the book or movie)
9). He/she ain't got sense of enough to pour piss out a boot. **on common sense**
10). I can't think of any more right now, but feel free to add your own.
Ya'll come back now ya hear.
Moni :D
Hi Moni,
The sayings are very down to earth and straight to the point. I like the fifth one - makes a lot of sense.
This is a good post. I enjoy posts like this where you give your views/opinions on living life in your part of the US. Your country is a vast and varied one, with so many different customs and traditions. It's a great exposure (for me who have little opportunity to travel and experience life outside Malaysia) to know more about life elsewhere through your experiences and thoughts.
Have a great week ahead !
I like the fifth one too.
Blue you just may get the opportunity to travel, you never know. ;)
I never thought I would live in Asia, but I did and if Malaysia is anything like the Philippines, then I'm sure it's beautiful.
You have a great weekend my friend, get out and enjoy the sun!
Don't be so sure about those New Yorkers.
This one is off color, but I heard it said. Old Bill up in Eastern Washington said, "That's funnier than a double cunted cow pissing on a flat rock."
Another farmer told me that locks are made to keep honest people out.
Scott--Never heard the one about the crow! rotfl! Wait...getting a visual...nope lost it. Wait...trying to get it again, nope. It's best that I not have a visual. ah ha!
I've heard the second saying--very true. :)
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