Monday, May 21, 2012

Throwing the Baby Out With the Bath Water

When I was young  I would ask my mother what it meant when someone said this or someone said that.  And in her slight southern drawl she would say, You know what Monica, you can't believe everything you hear."  "Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one."  There's a lot of ludicrous behavior and opinions floating around out there that make me think the whole world losing it. What ever happen to common sense?

Take for example this.  What?!  Attachment parenting my rear!  When a child gets old enough to masticate(chew) and he/she has the motor skills to feed themselves, it's nature's way of saying; stop breast feeding! Now you Le Leche League members don't get all down on me.  Breastfeeding is healthy, the baby gets Colostrum which boosts their immune system.  But notice I said "baby".  This little guy attached to his mothers areole is capable of feeding himself. 

Oh yeah and how about the nincompoop who looks like a piece of beef jerky letting her 6 year old fair-skinned redheaded daughter lay in a tanning booth? Listen lady if you want to burn yourself into oblivion it's your right, but you're the parent here.  You're supposed to be looking out for the welfare of your daughter.

And lest we not forget the woman that allows her 10 year to get botox and had a stripper's pole placed in her bedroom, because she believes it's good exercise.  Hey, how about teaching your daughter how to ride a bike(good exercise) instead of fostering a future career in which grubby, sweaty, lusting men place dollar bills in her G-string. Way to cultivate the next Margaret Thatcher.

Now I don't have a long list of intellectual initials behind my name,  and I'm probably not the best mother in the world, but I can tell that this stuff is twisted.  And it infuriates me when parents are willing to forego all parenting skills and all common sense to get their 15 minutes of fame.  When I look at this kind of absurdity, I shake my head, and pray that maybe tomorrow will be a better place.  After all, we have bigger fish to fry as a nation and a people.  We don't need to be bombarded with such stupidity.

Of course, this was just my opinion.  ; )

My pick for a best cover of a song...enjoy.

Until next time,
Moni : )

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