Monday, April 23, 2007

A Few of My Favorites...Well, Except for the Last Thing. ;D

I've been meaning to do this for a while now so without further adieu...

Socking political correctness in gut whatever the situation...Zombieslayer's Movie Review.

Giving us a view of what it feels like to be innocent, frightened and on the outside looking in...Scott's story Hard Love.

And a face truly made for radio...Moi.


Scott said...

Well that wasn't so hard was it? Pleased to meet you, Moni!

And thanks for the link.

Moni said...

Ha! No it wasn't that hard. ***Extends hand*** Pleased to meet you too, and only after 2 years of talking to each other. ;p

And you're welcome.

Blue Skies said...

I am so pleased to see what you look like and I love your hair !

Moni said...

Well thanks Blue! You're so sweet. Okay now it's your yourself. :D

The Zombieslayer said...

Hey! Great to actually see you. :)

Thanks for the shout out. I'm surprised anyone actually reads those reviews.

Scott's one of my favorite bloggers, but I just haven't gotten to his yet. Still on the M's.

Moni said...

Zombie--Thanks. Now as I told Blue...your turn. And you're welcome for the shoot out. :) Didn't think anyone read? If you write it they will read...

Anonymous said...

I can't. Last time someone tried to take a picture of me, the camera exploded and he got 2nd degree burns.

Moni said...

Zombie I'm sure that was not he case at all. :)