Oops! Summer's not over yet? Oh well, in spite of my 5Th grade dreams of having to deliver the "How I spent my summer vacation," report in front of the class wearing my only my pj's and a honkin' zit in the middle of my forehead; I shall tell you. Do inquiring minds want to know?,(not really) but I do have an insatiable need to ramble on about mundane things occurring in my mundane life. ;)
I have been busy, not that I'm pompous enough to think that my days have any more or less time in them than anyone else's do, but they have been crammed. Same old same old here; working 12 hour night shifts, trying to pay the mortgage, braces, bills...the usual.
One good thing did happen, my friend from NY came to visit. We took my daughter to King's Dominion and we had a grand time. He stayed for three weeks now he's gone home and I miss the hell out of him. On a brighter note, he's supposed to come back around the end of August so I'm keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed. lol I look pretty funny. Anyway, that's what's going on on my side of the keyboard. How about you?
How are you spending your summer vacation?
I have been busy, not that I'm pompous enough to think that my days have any more or less time in them than anyone else's do, but they have been crammed. Same old same old here; working 12 hour night shifts, trying to pay the mortgage, braces, bills...the usual.
One good thing did happen, my friend from NY came to visit. We took my daughter to King's Dominion and we had a grand time. He stayed for three weeks now he's gone home and I miss the hell out of him. On a brighter note, he's supposed to come back around the end of August so I'm keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed. lol I look pretty funny. Anyway, that's what's going on on my side of the keyboard. How about you?
How are you spending your summer vacation?
Totally unrelated to my post, just a very funny picture.

Poor cat really has to go pee.
I've never had that dream before. My anxiety dreams are usually me in a car and it's rolling backwards downhill and I'm trying to stop it from rolling backwards.
Usually somebody is chasing me in my dreams, and though I know I will always be one step ahead, it leaves me agitated when I wake.
Glad you had a great visit with your friend, Moni. Friends are what life is all about. It's empty without them.
Zombie--Yeah he really has continuity problems. lol That's an interesting dream. Also when I'm stressed I dream that my teeth are falling out. Crazy huh?
Scott--Somebody's chasing you? That sounds really scary. I would be agitate when I woke up too.
So true about the friends, in my life I've some pretty amazing ones and I'm thankful for that. :)
I think the teeth falling out is a dream symbol. I need to look that one up.
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