In everything there is a lesson, some nugget of wisdom; some purpose providing us with a building block to a better character. "What doesn't kill us only makes a stronger," type of thing. Thank God this time the building block came at not such a painful price.

to all my blogging friends and to answer your comment Blue; a resounding, "Great!" Mom had the surgery to remove the tumor, which was about to spread. They got all the cancer and she didn't even have to have chemotherapy. I'm really grateful and blessed.
Not thinking negatively and not looking back, just taking what was given and moving forward.
Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers blogging buddies. Special thanks to my life-long friend Pam and my boyfriend Patrick for all your support. But most of all thank you Lord.
~~til' next time~~
Go Phelps!
Hi Moni,
I am so happy for you and your Mom !!! I saw my aunt go through chemotherapy and i wouldn't want anyone to go through it.
God is Great. Prayers are powerful.
I am so happy !!!
Thanks Blue. You're a good friend and if you're ever in need of prayer just let me know. :)
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