So it has been a while, and I must let my writing muscles no matter how puny; atrophy. Recently I got roped into hosting one of those parties that women folk have from time to time. You got your Tupperware, Mary Kay, Avon, Candle Parties, Pampered Chef, Home get the point. It's not that I have anything against these parties as a way to socialize, make a little extra money or what have you, it's the hard-sell pressure that's put upon one to keep the circle of parties going. I mean where does it end? When you've saturated the market, when you've called on all your friends and their friends; especially if you live in a small town, what then? People soon see you coming and try to think of ways to avoid the subject of having one of these damned parties. Because believe it or not, it actually costs the person whose hosting the party. The very person whose trying to help out by having a party is forced to make their house presentable, invite people, supply refreshments and such.
Never again I say! My mom and I invited 20 people and 2 showed. Maybe we're just not the social type. lol And another thing that erks me is the fact that some people go to a person's home just to see what they have. I've never been that way and don't intend to be that way. I'm not into keeping appearances.
Hey guys help me out are people not visiting my blog because I had to change the stat counter and I don't think it's installed correctly. Any suggestions?
Take care my lovelies,
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