What elitist b.s. is this? This woman doesn't have the right to even speak on behalf of the dwindling middle class. She's probably never worked a day in her life and I guarantee that if faced with the drudgery of a blue collar job, she couldn't work for 10 minutes let alone earn a paycheck to support both herself and her family. The Native Americans have a saying, "Never judge a man until you've walked in his moccasins. Jesh! You got balls lady, you really do.
In the article she pompously states, "There is no monopoly on becoming a millionaire.""If you're jealous of those with more money, don't just sit there and complain. Do something to make more money yourself - spend less time drinking, or smoking and socializing and more time working." And what does she know of making money, only to tread on the backs of her miners, all the while getting rich over their toil and sweat? Later the Article states that her comments will only serve to fuel the debate of class struggles in the U.S. and Britain. The very reason that this has become an issue to date is the fact that in those countries the middle class is savagely shrinking. Having some bitty that stumbled into money and doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground tell poor people that if they want to be rich all they have to do is work, more and spend less. Wow! that's all it takes, well I guess we'll have to just drink less and work more at a jobs that don't exist! Now, occasionally the "have-nots" make it over into the "have's" category. Usually it's the former group, working all their lives for the latter for that more than ever illusive American Dream. My grand parents worked until the day they died, did they get rich? Hell no, they didn't drink, and were frugal with their money. A recipe for success according to this woman. All they got was a small house for their kids to fight over and dead. ( in this world at least) And the next day the world was still spinning and the companies CEO's, CFO's and all the other workers with fancy initials behind their names, got their coffees and morning papers and all was right with their world. I don't remember any of them coming to my grandparents funeral or my dad's for that matter.
I'm not saying that I'm a socialist by no means( although I dated one), I believe that Capitalism could work, but not in it's purist form and devoid of the greed that it often births.
You know I actually think I feel sorry for her. After all, with all her money, she's probably never experienced the things in life that the almighty dollar cannot buy for her. Love, family, compassion, they keep us human. Both rich and poor end up on a marble slab sporting paper toe tags. Never heard a dying person say, "Damn I wish I could have worked more!" or seen a hearse pulling a U-haul.
That's all my rant for today.
p.s. I don't really drink, well not a lot anyway. lol BTW I really dig this band.
I admit I hate autotune, they certainly don't need it.
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