Monday, June 24, 2013

Just Here

Wow! Trying to sign on to my blog to post something is about as difficult as passing a kidney stone.  I'm not loving the new format either.
"Walks across the dusty wooden floor in a drab room devoid of sunlight that is her blog."    "Dusts off an old wooded chair covered with a inch of dust and gently taps at the rusty keyboard that has served to write so many aimless posts and gets to work." 

Hello all you stragglers that stumble across my blog whether meaning to or not; you are welcomed. Pull up another well-worn chair and sit a spell.  I've had a lot of experiences to mold me since last I posted; some good, some bad. You know that's how life works; peaks, valleys, etc... I just have not been compelled to write about them.  Ha, I don't think anyone really reads this blog, but still it's cathartic for me to feel like there's a lone reader out there hanging on every word I've typed.  Okay, maybe it's just my ego.  Well, I have been on Twitter (@moni_ca0) and am still deciding if  I like that forum of limited thought expression or not.  I'm a rambler. Besides you can't really express deep thoughts in 129 characters or less. I wonder what Shakespeare and the like would have felt about such a strange beast where words fly loose, some sensible, some nonsensical?  

Let's see, what's happening in my little corner of the world? Just life I suppose. Man I'm getting old, all you parents of young children, DO NOT BLINK!  I blinked a couple of years ago and now my daughter is 17, and will be a senior and getting ready to go to college.  Getting older sucks! I sound like a bowl of rice crispies when I get out of bed in the morning.  And not a day passes that I don't realize, "hey now there's a new ache," usually in a joint that only a year ago was working fine.  Grey? Me? Nah! Not while there is hair color(who said that?!)  Doesn't one get wiser as they get older?  Where's my wisdom?   I haven't seen it.

On a pop culture note, I went to see World War Z over the weekend.  I like zombie movies, as far they go. this one's the same.  There seems to be certain formula that a zombie movie follows: Some mysterious virus infects humanity, check.  The CDC's are clueless, check.  Primal infected , half-rotted corpses with only brain stem function and driven only by their need to feed off the uninfected population, check.  Unwilling hero/hero's forced to fight for the survival of future humanity, check.  This movie veers a little of the expected path by exploring a more global situation and adds an intensity that is suspenseful without out being copiously gory.  Overall, if you like zombie movies you should see it, you won't be disappointed.

Well, it's been nice visiting with you my cyber friends but the time has come to go.  So, bye.


Quote for the day:  "Don't play leapfrog with a unicorn."  I thought it was hilarious, nobody on Twittter did. 

This guy is hilarious.  I never appreciated his talent on SNL.  enjoy.  One for good measure.

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